地址: Yeongdo-gu, Busan 72, Bongnaenaru-ro Busan South Korea 49033
(부산 대한민국)
If guests check-in or payment is scheduled to occur after 08:00 PM (Korean time), please make sure to call the "Accommodation Contact Number" directly.
[Common Information]
ᄆ When making a reservation, it is essential to provide the correct phone number and email address. This information allows the property to contact guests for property details and check-in instructions (both face-to-face and non-face-to- face).
ᄆ If guests do not provide or enter incorrect contact information during the reservation, kindly forward the correct details along with a copy of the reservation confirmation or details to the property promptly.
ᄆ The property cannot be held responsible for any issues arising from the absence or inaccuracy of contact information.
ᄆ For check-ins after 08:00 PM (Korean time) on the arrival day, it is necessary to contact the property in advance to arrange the check-in time and procedure.
ᄆ Each property has varying options, statuses, and charges for services, facilities, and payment methods. Therefore, please confirm directly with the property before check-in.
ᄆ Usage of additional services, facilities, or other options may be subject to restrictions based on weather or property conditions on the day of use. Refunds for property costs due to such limitations are not possible.
ᄆ Regardless of age, all children and infants are considered adults concerning room occupancy. Exceeding the maximum guest limit may result in additional fees or entry denial, even for reservations made through Agoda.
ᄆ Special requests are subject to variability based on individual property policies and circumstances.
ᄆ Smoking is prohibited within the property premises. Guests will be held responsible for any costs, damages, or liabilities resulting from smoking.
ᄆ For smooth operation and comfortable use of the accommodation, we highly recommend familiarizing the terms and conditions stated at the time of reservation confirmation.
ᄆ For any further inquiries or information, communicate directly with the property for accurate and prompt assistance.
ᄆ Note that contacting the property through the 'Contact the property' feature within the Agoda website or app is not available. Reach out to the property or Agoda's customer service center for assistance.
【提醒您】 加床規定依房型而異,請查看各房型的人數限制瞭解詳細規定。